Guest Post: How I Beat Cancer by Disregarding Everything Chris Has Told You

Guest Post: How I Beat Cancer by Disregarding Everything Chris Has Told You

Hello again BBL readers. I’m back for my long overdue and hopefully anticipated follow-up to my first and only guest post on the Blue Belt Life blog. It has been nearly a year since I stayed at the Blue Belt household in Tokyo and attempted to adhere to Chris’s strict vegetarian, no alcohol diet. Trips to the farmer’s market at Yurakucho filling backpacks with vegetables, eating rice, homemade butter and concoctions of vegetables that I didn’t know existed and fighting the temptation to go anywhere near meat or booze (although I did eat quite a bit of sushi as Chris conceded going full vegie would be near impossible from my starting…

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The Meaning of Life According to Thermodynamics

The Meaning of Life According to Thermodynamics

“Entropy and the Inevitability of Life” by Iridium Alchemist There are many elegant ways to state or (often mis)interpret the infamous third law of thermodynamics. Its most precise and current formulation states that as the temperature of a system tends to absolute zero the entropy of a perfect crystal also approaches zero. This statement has broad and far reaching implications that are not immediately obvious. Arthur Eddington poetically referred to the third law of thermodynamics as the arrow of time. According to him time apparently moves in the direction of increasing disorder. As far as experiment has borne out this is a very good approximation of the universe in which…

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The Perfect Guinea Pig

The Perfect Guinea Pig

A guest post by Anton, director and producer of 100 Man Fight I am lucky enough to be staying for a month with Chris and his wonderful girlfriend in their house in Akasaka. Stacked up against just about anyone else I would have to be the closest thing to the perfect guinea pig for the Blue Belt Life diet. A lifelong rampant alcoholic and consumer of excessive amounts of meat, caffeine, salt and sugar in various forms I truly wonder what effect a vegetarian, alcohol free diet would have on me. Hopefully not the massive coronary my father claims is waiting for him should he ever deviate from his diet…

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