Introducing the Blue Belt Weekly

holdin ma muffins (by Haru)As the one-year anniversary of me embarking upon this new life nears, I have begun contemplating on things undone and resolutions for what I can do in year two of my blue belt life.  One of these is upping my game on contributions to this site.  And so I unveil version 2.0 of the Duss Weekly.

The previous version of the Weekly lasted, well, a week.  I simply wouldn’t devote that much of my week (even if it was only one day) to studying and writing about the market.  So in 2.0 I am going to review something a little closer to my real interests, and the single area that has changed the most for me in the last year – my diet.  My dad jokes that my mom always needs to hear about what I had for lunch every time we speak.  Well, now she will know, in graphic detail!  Time and interest permitting, I’ll also throw in some tidbits on music, thoughts on life, and yes, even some market commentary.  Here’s what we have for this week:


2 thoughts on “Introducing the Blue Belt Weekly

  1. $o $illy

    I don’t think there are enough singers who have replaced s’s in their name with $’s in your musical repertoire. There is a disturbing lack of Ke$ha amongst other true artists. Your weekly menu sounds amazing, but those muffins your holding in your promo shot look underwhelming. Presentation is half the experience of food. Of course, content is always the more important part.

    1. bluebeltlife

      Ah, snap you reminded me I should start calling it the Du$$ Weekly – how could I hope achieve a blog of status without referencing money in the title – surely Mr. Money Mustache corroborates this. Um, as for the muffins, I blame the photographer. Haru, where you at?