How to Live by the Sun of God: Why We Work

How to Live by the Sun of God: Why We Work

The current topic of discussion is the physical laws of nature and how they dictate our behaviors in the world. Specifically we are looking at the third law of thermodynamics, which we have shown explains the existence of life as we know it. I am attempting to extend from this physical law to a moral law supported in nature, in order to remove the ambiguity that surrounds most moral dogma. Last week we started to look at what behaviors are in harmony with the third law, namely consumption and rest – two of the qualities that comprise the Feminine principle in our nature. Now let’s look at the other half.…

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How to Live by the Sun of God: Why We Eat

How to Live by the Sun of God: Why We Eat

Laws of nature govern our physical reality. They vary in how readily apparent their existence and effect are, but they do exist and are in effect at all times. Gravity is probably the most obvious. It is also the best at making the point that we should live in accordance with the laws of nature in order to maximize our experience here. You better know there’s a trampoline below or be wearing one of those flying suits if you plan on walking off any cliffs. It is clear that our physical movements are bound by the laws of nature, but what about our behavior? Do the physical laws also have…

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