Meet the Farmers of the Ginza Farmers Market

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higurashi bluebelt Tetsuhiro Higurashi: market manager since 2012. Find him every weekend, walking the market, helping vendors and customers, and fielding media inquiries. Click here for the exclusive blue belt video interview with Higurashi-san.


aki bluebelt Akiko Awashima: Ginza Farmers Market vendor since 2012 and purveyor of 100% chemical-free (no chemical pesticides, no fertilizers) products. Year-round specialties include spinach and komatsuna (mustard green), as well as white and brown rice and free-range eggs, but visit often to enjoy her seasonal selections – kale, peaches, tomatoes, sweet corn, pumpkin, herbs, etc. – all grown with love instead of the use of chemicals. Click here for Aki-san’s page, which has a link to her blog and our exclusive blue belt video interview and transcript.

hiro bluebelt 2Hiro Honma: Ginza Farmers Market vendor since May 2011, Hiro carries the finest soy products – including the world’s best, traditionally made wara natto – as well as the best free-range organic eggs I have tasted, and what many have described as “life-changing” sesame salad dressing. More than that, Hiro brings his lively personality to the market, brightening the atmosphere and the moods of everyone who visits this market. He speaks good English so definitely search him out if you are visiting Tokyo or haven’t yet picked up on the language – he will be happy to explain his products and introduce you to other vendors and products around the market. Click here for Hiro-san’s page, which has a link to his website and our exclusive blue belt video interview and transcript.

maeda bluebelt 1Masahiko Maeda: Ginza Farmers Market vendor since 2012, Maeda-san represents all things Kyushu – the area in the south of Japan where he grew up. If you are concerned about radiation levels in your produce, this is your place for worry-free shopping. His specialties are shiitake and cucumbers, but this is also my go-to for bananas, carrots, onions, asparagus, ginger, and sweet potatoes. He speaks excellent English so go to him with any questions you might have about his products or the market. Click here for Maeda-san’s page, which has our exclusive blue belt video interview and transcript.

yoshi bluebelt 2Yoshi: one of the real farmers of the Ginza Farmers Market, Yoshi-san spends most of his time in the fields at Kantamura Farm in Kamakura, a short distance from Tokyo. He now even spends weekends working in the fields and at other events, but the Kamakura vegetable vendor is still thriving at the market – listen for shouted refrain, “Kamakura yasai ikaga desuka” – “Kamakura vegetables anyone?” We miss Yoshi-san’s awesome energy, but he has left the salesmanship in good hands, and that energy is now going into the produce – which includes the best tomatoes at the market, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, eggplant, seasonal berries, and amazing deals on spinach and mustard greens. Click here for Yoshi-san’s page, which has a link to his farm’s website and our exclusive blue belt video interview and transcript.

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