An Anton Cavka Story: The Power of Three

An Anton Cavka Story: The Power of Three

I was lucky to live my first 32 years without losing a friend to anything other than distance and diverging interests. That streak ended last weekend with the death of a great man, a great friend, Anton Cavka. Anton barged into my life through Pete, a mutual friend in the party circuit in Tokyo. Shotgunning beers in his Harajuku office/house is among my earliest, hazy memories of hanging out with him. I reveled in his stories of alcohol-fueled insanity, female conquest, and the legend of his right cross from God. He was loud, bold, but with the humility necessary to know he was not everything – in his own words,…

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Blue Belt Weekly: Satsumaimo Power Bread, Where are We Going?

Blue Belt Weekly: Satsumaimo Power Bread, Where are We Going?

This week in the blue belt life – new recipe up for my Satsumaimo Power Bread. Check it out, head to the Ginza Farmers Market (or your local farmers market) for ingredients, and whip up a batch this weekend. Recently I have been devoting time to putting up recipes I have found helpful in a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle. I have no intention of making this into a recipe blog – why even try when there’s Thug Kitchen? But since I am eventually going to delve into a major problem humanity faces – our attachment to the religion of carnism – I feel it is important to give solutions to that problem…

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